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更新時間:2024-04-28有 效 期:2024-07-14
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聯 系 人:陳志寶
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哈氏合金材(cai)料設施設備和(he)元器(qi)件,702/705機械設備(bei)和核心部件,英(ying)科乃爾機(ji)(ji)器(qi)和(he)零件和(he)蒙乃爾機(ji)(ji)器(qi)和(he)零件我集(ji)團公司(si)是進囗的文(wen)件哈氏鎳鋼(Hastelloy),鋯702705Zirconium702705, 英科(ke)乃爾(Inconel)和蒙乃爾(er)(Monel)原材料非常(chang)專(zhuan)業供應商(shang)商(shang)及(ji)哈氏合金鋼, 英科乃(nai)爾和(he)蒙乃(nai)爾的(de)規范標(biao)準(zhun)和(he)非規范標(biao)準(zhun)產(chan)品和(he)結構件等行業制造(zao)廠商(shang). 這(zhe)個特殊化食材和裝備具有(you)廣泛性用做(zuo)石油化工公司, 藥廠, 漁(yu)業和(he)電網等領域(yu)

我集團具有加拿大專項 文件(jian)供貨(huo)合同商和哈(ha)氏合金材料,702 705,英科乃爾和(he)蒙乃爾成熟穩重制造出經驗,帶來一(yi)些哈氏各種合金, 鋯(gao)702 /705,英科(ke)乃爾(er)和蒙乃爾(er)機(ji) 和零件:

a. 應用于氯堿系統設計中的不(bu)銹鋼塔上冷卻(que)塔鹽酸材質,2000年(nian)起已研制(zhi)一千五好幾套(tao)哈氏C276板式(shi)換熱(re)器(qi)器(qi)

b. 基(ji)本的客戶們:山東(dong)(dong)神(shen)馬氯堿所有(you)控股股東(dong)(dong)有(you)效(xiao)企業,昊化宇(yu)航化工工司有限工司英(ying)文承(cheng)擔工司,寧波東(dong)日(ri)鋼化塑料有限工司工司,中昊科技集團公司有限的集團公司等(deng)

2. 哈氏C276 YV型持久(jiu)脫(tuo)水器,哈氏B3 V型(xing)持久過濾程序器和(he)鋯702 V型永遠脫水器:

a. 不同的(de)用(yong)途:使用(yong)醋酸鈉和(he)醋酐裝置和(he)其他化工(gong)機械裝置

b. 原則:HG/T21637, SH3411和(he)特殊的需要等

c. 其主要(yao)購置商(shang):西安吳涇(jing)冰醋酸(suan)有限(xian)工廠工廠,河(he)南華魯恒升(sheng)化工裝修(xiu)公(gong)司(si)股東較(jiao)少裝修(xiu)公(gong)司(si)(冰醋酸(suan)和醋肝), 拜(bai)耳建筑(zhu)材料科(ke)技開發(fa)(國內)有限(xian)制的集團公司(si), 滄州英都(dou)熱解現有(you)工司, 湖北延時變(bian)壓器油(集困)有限制的承擔(dan)平臺等

3. 哈氏C276溫(wen)度檢測保(bao)護(hu)防水套管和哈氏B3溫度檢測(ce)保(bao)養線管(guan):

于(yu)熱專用設備和壓縮空氣管道平臺(tai)溫(wen)度(du)測量熱電阻護理穿墻套管, 2000年(nian)起已制造(zao)技(ji)術伍(wu)千(qian)幾套哈氏C276溫度檢測守護保護管(guan)和哈氏B3測溫(wen)度保護措施防水套(tao)管(guan)

4. 哈氏(shi)C276除沫器和哈氏B3除沫器:

a. 用處(chu):哈氏B3除沫器(qi)中用冰(bing)醋酸和醋酐器(qi)

b. 一般(ban)采購流程商: 北(bei)京焦(jiao)化廠有效(xiao)工司, 哈(ha)氏C276除沫器用作另一(yi)個化工(gong)公司(si)試驗裝置

5. 哈氏C276拌和(he)器(qi)和(he)哈(ha)氏(shi)B3均(jun)勻攪拌器:

主(zhu)耍采購(gou)員(yuan)商: 按美(mei)國雇主科技知(zhi)料規(gui)定要求制造(zao)∮1900mm直徑大型哈氏C276混和器(qi)

6. 哈(ha)氏(shi)C276添加(jia)圖片管(guan)和哈氏B3添(tian)加管: 用以搪破璃(li)影響器放(fang)料管和抽料管

7. 哈氏C276混和器

8. 比較特殊裝修材料法蘭盤(pan):

a. 原材(cai)料: 哈(ha)氏(shi)C276,哈氏B3/哈(ha)氏B2, 哈氏C22, 鋯(gao)702, 英科(ke)乃爾(er)600/800/625/825, 蒙乃爾400, 904L, AL6XN, 2205等(deng)

b. 機構方式: 三視(shi)圖(tu)卡箍部和高頸卡箍部

c. 規則:HG20592, HG20615, ASME/ANSI B16.5, DIN, ISO, GB, JB和(he)特殊化規定

9. 特有用料(liao)承(cheng)插管(guan)件:

a. 建材:哈氏(shi)C276, 哈氏(shi)B3/哈氏B2, 哈氏(shi)C22, 702, 英(ying)科乃爾(er)600/800/625/825和蒙乃爾400

b. 好產(chan)品: 異徑三通, 同徑和異徑三通管, 同(tong)徑(jing)和異徑(jing)四通, 翻邊短接, 三合(he)變徑管, 異心變徑(jing)管, 管帽, 帶螺(luo)母短(duan)管(guan)和管(guan)座等

c. 準則:ASME/ANSI B16.9, DIN, ISO, GB, JB和特有標(biao)準要求

10. 特種食材增多密封墊:

a. 資料:哈氏C276, 哈氏B3/哈氏B2, 鋯(gao)702, 英科(ke)乃爾600/800/625/825和蒙乃爾400

b. 車輛: 繞線墊圈, 石(shi)墨明顯增強螺母, 五金環墊, 齒形螺(luo)母和鋁(lv)合金包覆機螺(luo)母等

c. 規范標準(zhun):ASME/ANSI B16.20, HG20631, HG20610, JB4720/4718, GB4622和(he)層次性(xing)需要

11. 層次(ci)性的材料固定(ding)件:

a. 裝修(xiu)材料: 哈氏C276, 哈氏B3, 哈氏(shi)C22, 鋯(gao)705, 蒙乃(nai)爾400, 英(ying)科(ke)乃爾600/800/625/825, 904L, AL6XN和(he)2205等(deng)

b. 產品的: 六角螺栓標準(zhun)/螺母, 內六(liu)角高強(qiang)螺(luo)栓/螺母, 雙(shuang)用高強螺栓/螺母, U型螺栓標準(zhun)/螺母, 螺柱(zhu)/螺母, 卡子聯接/螺母(mu)(應用在塔板連接 ), 平平墊(dian)和壓簧墊(dian)圈等

c. 基準:GB5782 GB5783 GB70 GB 6170 DIN931/933/603/444, ISO4014/4017/8677, ASME B18.2.1/B18.2.2 ,

ASME B18.2.3.1M/B18.2.4.1M 和特供高強螺栓等(deng)

d. 最主要選擇商(shang): 1997年(nian)起,我企業所為好多出名國內(nei)外個人(ren)獨資(zi),合資經營,大中型國(guo)產(chan)單位出具(ju)哈(ha)氏C276, 哈氏(shi)B3, 705,蒙乃爾400, 英(ying)科(ke)乃(nai)爾(er)相關(guan)材料加(jia)固件,一(yi)些(xie)單位(wei)高端定制上千套哈氏硬質合金加(jia)固件,舉例子拜耳涂料(liao)信息(xi)技術(國(guo)家(jia))局限廠家(jia),廣西揚子(zi)乙(yi)酰化(hua)學工(gong)業非常有限新公(gong)司(si)(BP)(醋酸(suan)鈉廠), 蘭州 華(hua)魯恒升精細化工(gong)公(gong)(gong)司的(de)股票有現公(gong)(gong)司的(de)(乙酸和醋(cu)肝), 重(zhong)慶澤華藥劑學(xue)工程(cheng)施(shi)工是非(fei)常有限制(zhi)的子(zi)企(qi)業(ye),成都(dou)巨力異氰酸脂是非(fei)常有限制(zhi)的子(zi)企(qi)業(ye)和上(shang)海諾華藥業(ye)創新(xin)科技是非(fei)常有限制(zhi)的子(zi)企(qi)業(ye)

12. 特(te)俗原材料鋼(gang)表帶:

a. 產品:哈(ha)氏C276,哈(ha)氏B3/哈氏B2,鋯702,英科(ke)乃爾600/800/625/825和(he)蒙乃(nai)爾400

b. 的用(yong)途:纏(chan)密(mi)封墊,焊管,塔上件(jian)(jian)塑料填料,水(shui)金屬軟管,阻火器(qi)和(he)各種壓鑄件(jian)(jian)控(kong)制(zhi)部件(jian)(jian)帶鋼

13. 非常規涂料絲,絲網(wang)和過濾(lv)裝置網(wang):

a. 的材料:哈氏C276,哈(ha)氏B3/哈氏B2,鋯(gao)702,英科乃爾600/800/625/825和蒙乃(nai)爾400

b. 規范:GB/T5330和(he)特(te)別制(zhi)造規(gui)范要求等

14. 哈氏(shi)C276塔平整和散堆塑料填料和哈氏B3塔平整和散堆活性(xing)炭過濾(lv)器

15. 哈氏C276電(dian)磁干擾(rao)接地保護環(huan):


16. 的服務咨詢于(yu), 易(yi)損件(jian), 以國代進構件和特別緊(jin)急供應信息等

注意液壓(ya)機:從1997年(nian)起,我廠(chang)家無已很多的有名的外國人廠(chang)家,國內外國有獨資/合資企業,較大型(xing)全球企業出(chu)示哈氏硬(ying)質合金,702 /705, 英(ying)科乃(nai)爾和蒙乃(nai)爾產(chan)品(pin),各項類型設配和配件. 拜耳原料科技創新(我們)比較有(you)限司,綿陽揚子乙酰化工(gong)新材料有限工(gong)廠英文工(gong)廠(BP)(冰醋酸廠),巴斯夫軟(ruan)件應用礦業是有限的廠家,揚州諾華藥廠(chang)科(ke)學限(xian)制工(gong)廠(chang), 浙(zhe)江華魯恒(heng)升藍翔(xiang)塑業有限責(ze)任公司的(de)所生產(chan)的(de)股權有限責(ze)任公司的(de),四川英都氣化爐十(shi)分有限企(qi)業,上(shang)海吳涇乙酸(suan)是有限的機(ji)構,揚州索(suo)普乙酸有限集團(tuan)公司英文集團(tuan)公司,蘭(lan)州(zhou)華魯恒升所有(you)股(gu)權有(you)局(ju)限有(you)限公(gong)司(乙酸和醋肝),東莞(guan)澤華(hua)化工建筑(zhu)工程較(jiao)少(shao)品(pin)牌,青島巨力異氰酸(suan)脂(zhi)較(jiao)少(shao)品(pin)牌,天津(jin)熱(re)研發(fa)院,貴州(zhou)神馬氯(lv)堿化學(xue)工業新公司股票有效(xiao)新公司,蚌埠通用的(de)特總食材裝置有現工廠,無錫斯邁柯勞動防護五(wu)金配(pei)置股(gu)份集(ji)團公司不多集(ji)團公司,大(da)唐官府新疆古多倫煤熱(re)有限的(de)擔責(ze)司,中昊科技有限制(zhi)子公司有限制(zhi)子公司等.



MP: 13801732820







Equipment _and parts for Hastelloy, Ziconium 702/705,Inconel _and Monel etc.
Our corporation is an importer submitted the material of Hastelloy, Inconel, Monel _and Zirconium702/705 etc. _and a manufacturer fabricated all types equipment _and parts of Hastelloy, Inconel, Monel _and Zirconium etc. These equipment _and parts are wide used in the fields of petrochemical, chemical , pharmacy, power, marine _and many industries
Our corporation makes the full used of its purchase channels at abroad _and its rich experience in handing special materials to submitted following material, equipment _and parts of Hastelloy, Zirconium 702 _and 705, Inconel _and Monel.

1. Hastelloy C276 exchanger.

a. Used: Hastelloy C276 exchanger be used to cooling sulfuric acid in the vessel of glass pylon in chlor-alkali plant. Since1997, our company had fabricated more than two thousand sets Hastelloy C276 exchangers.

b. Main purchaser: Henan ShenMa Chlor-alkali Chemical Ltd. Co., HuoHua YuHang Chemical Co., Ltd., HangZhou DongRI Glass pylon Co., Ltd., ZhongHuo Science _and technology Co., Ltd.etc.

2. Hastelloy C276 Y / V type filler, Hastelloy B3 V type filler _and Zirconium 702 filler

a. Uses: These fiillers be used in acetic acid plant, (Acetic acid plant)and many plants

b. Standard/Code: HG/T21637, SH3411 _and special requirement etc.

c. Main purchasers: Shanghai Wujing Chemical Co., Ltd..(Acetic acid plant ), Huolu Hengshen Chemical Co., Ltd. (Acetic acid plant and(Acetic acid plant ) , HeBei YingDu Gasification Co., Ltd.(Acetic acid plant ), Bayer Material Science (China) Co., Ltd.and ShanXi YanChang Oil (Group) Co., Ltd. etc.

3. Hastelloy C276 temperture protecting pipe _and Hastelloy B3 temperture protecting pipe

These parts be used to protected the thermocouple in the vessel _or pipe system. Since1997, our company had fabricated more than five thousand sets Hastelloy C276 exchangers.

4. Hastelloy C276 mesh _and Hastelloy B3 mesh

a. These meshs be uesd in Acetic acid plant and(Acetic acid plant

b. Main purchasers: Shanghai Coking & Chemical Corporation

5. Hastelloy C276 agitator _and Hastelloy B3 agitator:

Main purchasers: Our company had fabricated a large agitator and1900mm (OD) for Japan Company.

6. Hastelloy C276 inserted pipe _and Hastelloy B3 inserted pipe:

These inserted pipes be usde to take out _or take in liquid in honing glass vessel

7. Hastelloy C276 mixer _and Hastelloy B3 mixer

8. Flange for special material.

a. Material: Hastelloy C276, Hastelloy B2/B3, Hastelloy C22, Zirconium 702, Inconel 600/800/625/825 ,Monel 400, 904L, AL6XN, 2205 etc.

b. Product: Plane flange _and high neck flange

c. Standard/Code: HG20592, HG20615, ASME/ANSI B16.5, DIN, ISO, GB, JB _and special requirement.

9. Fitting for special material.

a. Material: Hastelloy C276, Hastelloy B2/B3, Hastelloy C22, Zirconium 702, Inconel 600/800/625/825 ,Monel 400 etc.

b. Product: Elbow, concentric _and eccentric reducers, straight tees, straight cross, reducing outlet tees, reducing outlet cross, lap joint ends, cap, short pipe with thread etc.

c. Standard/Code: ASME/ANSI B16.9, DIN, ISO, GB, JB _and special requirement.

10. Spiral wound gaskets for special material. High strength graphite gaskets,

a. Material: Hastelloy C276, Hastelloy B2/B3, Zirconium 702, Inconel 600/800/625/825 ,Monel 400 etc.

b. Product: Spiral wound gasket, high strength graphite gasket, solid metal gasket, threaded metal gasket _and packing materials gasket etc.

c. Standard/Code: ASME/ANSI B16.20, HG20631, HG20610, JB4720/4718, GB4622 _and special requirement.

11. Fasteren for special material.

a. Material: Hastelloy C276, Hastelloy B2/B3, Hastelloy C22, Zirconium 702, Inconel 600/800/625/825 ,Monel 400 etc.

b. Product: Hex bolts/ nuts, Inside hexagonal bolt/ nuts, Threaded studs/nut, U-bolts/nut; Bands bolt /nut, flat washers, spring washers etc

c. Standard/Code: GB5782 GB5783 GB70 GB 6170 DIN931/933/603/444, ISO4014/4017/8677, ASME B18.2.1/B18.2.2 , ASME B18.2.3.1M/B18.2.4.1M _and special requirement.s

d. Main purchasers : Since 1997, we have submitted a lot of the fasteners for Haste loy C276, Hastelloy B3, Zirconium 705,Monel 400 _and lnconel alloy for many famous corporations both domestic _and overseas. Some clients have purchased tens of thousands of sets of Hastelloy bolt in an order. such as Bayer Material Science (China) Co., Ltd., Chongqin Yangtze (BP) River Acetyls Co., Ltd. (Acetic acid plant), Shandong HuaLu Hengsheng Chemical Co., Ltd.(Acetic acid plant), Beijing ZeHua Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd, YanTai JuLi Cyanate Fat Co., Ltd.and SuZhou NuoHua Pharmaceutical technology Co., Ltd.etc

12. Stripe for special material.

a. Material: Hastelloy C276, Hastelloy B2/B3, Hastelloy C22, Zirconium 702, Inconel 600/800/625/825 ,Monel 400 etc.

b. Used: spiral wound gasket, tube/pipe, preventing fire part, bollows etc.

13. Mesh _and wire for special material:

a. Material: Hastelloy C276, Hastelloy B2/B3, Hastelloy C22, Zirconium 702, Inconel 600/800/625/825 ,Monel 400, 904L, AL6XN, 2205 etc.

b. Standard/Code: GB/T5330 _and special requirement.

14. Packing parts in the tower of Hastelloy C276 _and Hastelloy B3

15. Ring used anti-power: It be used for anti-power in the pipe linied PTFE in pharmaceutical plant

16. Technical service, imported products substituted by our company

Main reference list. Since 1997, our company had submitted a lot of various material, equipment _and parts of Hastelloy, Ziconium 702 _and 705,Inconel _and Monel for many famous corporations in home _and abroad, such as Bayer Material Science (China) Ltd,

Chongqin Yangtze (BP) River Acetyls Co., Ltd (Acetic acid plant ), Shanghai Basifu Application Chemical Co., Ltd., SuZhou Novartis Pharmaceutical technology Co., Ltd., Huolu Hengshen Chemical Co., Ltd. (Acetic acid plant and(Acetic acid plant ) , HeBei YingDu Gasification Co., Ltd..(Acetic acid plant ), Shanghai Wujing Chemical Co., Ltd..(Acetic acid plant ), Zhenjiang Suopu Chemical Co., Ltd (Acetic acid plant), Beijing ZeHua Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd., Henan ShenMa Chlor-alkali Chemical Co., Ltd., YanTai JuLi Cyanate Fat Co., Ltd.and ShanXi YanChang Oil (Group) Co., Ltd.Nanjing Special Metal Equipment Co., Ltd. Hefei general special material equipment Co., Ltd .,Datang Inner Mon







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